CV Prof. Dr. Theo Lange
Year | |
Since 1999 | Braunschweig University of Technology, Institute for Plant Biology Professor for Botany |
1998 | University of Göttingen, venia legendi for Botany |
1993-1998 | University of Göttingen, Institute of Plant Physiology Research group leader |
1993 | Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Tokyo, Japan Post-doc (Dr. Yuji Kamiya) |
1990-1992 | Long Ashton Research Station, U.K. Post-doc (Prof. Peter Hedden) |
1987-1989 | University of Göttingen Dr. rer. nat (Prof. Jan Graebe) |
1981-1986 | Universities of Münster and Göttingen, studies of botany, microbiology, and chemistry, finishing with Diploma in Biology |
-Gutenberg Chair at the University Strasbourg of the Region Alsace, France (2016)
-JSPS-Fellowship for Research in Japan (2008)
-Heisenberg-Fellow of the German Research Council (1998)
-Research Award for Foreign Specialists, National Research Institute of Vegetables, Ornamental Plants and Tea, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Japan (1998)
-Habilitation-Fellow of the German Research Council (1995-1997)